the Puerto Rican Bar Association of Illinois

The Puerto Rican Bar Association of Illinois (PRBA) is a not-for-profit entity that was established in 1994 to address issues affecting the Latino lawyers and the Latino community.

The PRBA is committed to advocating for diversity in the Illinois bar and among the students and faculty of Illinois law schools; to influence legislation and policies that are relevant to the common interests of Latino lawyers statewide; and to provide a professional and social network and support system for the lawyers, judges, and law students who advocate and share a common interest in diversity within the bar.

The PRBA plans to promote its purposes by championing diversity on the bench, in the bar, in the legislature and in law schools; hosting CLE’s and other substantive seminars that will serve to enhance the legal skills of our lawyers; and encourage the success of the law students.

The PRBA also has also been continuously involved in the Alliance of bar associations in the screening and rating of judicial candidates, who are either attempting to become a Judge for the first time or who are running to retain their position. The PRBA also supports efforts to place more Latinos on the bench so that the judiciary more accurately reflects the community it serves.

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